Saturday, November 3, 2007

Plagiarizing patience

I have been struggling to come up with something to write during my stay here in Florida. I wake up in the morning, remembering before all else, that I must write something for this blog in order to keep my promise to my blogging buddy Joel.

I hope coffee will bring, along with the first jolts of life to my body, some sparks of inspiration for a topic. But nothing. During the day, I keep my eye out, like a cop on a beat with an APB for a robber, for some event, some picture, some interaction that will provide me with the raw material to carve into a piece.


I am embarrassed because it was my idea to start this damn blog. And it was I who was so insistent with Joel to stick with it when he wanted to retreat just a while ago.

Today with doubled fervor, since I missed yesterday, I craned my imagination at every turn to spy some spark, spur or stimulation.

I contemplated for a brief moment calling Joel and capitulating on this project. It wouldn't be the first time we have enjoyed sprints of creativity and allowed them to crash on the shore of daily chores and jobs and family. It's okay, we take them up again and again. But I thought it was too early to give up on this exercise. It has only been a couple of weeks.

And then, the bastard said this in yesterday's post: "Learning to work through what challenges our patience and attention is the parent of all other skills."


So, this is a cheating entry. It is blatant plagiarism of commitment. (Hmm, didn't know that could be done, but that is exactly what is happening here.) In other words, I am just going to leave it right there, with Joel's words. They are good ones to remember in this day and age of multi-tasking and accelerated desires of instant gratification.

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