Saturday, December 1, 2007

LIterary license

Zoe is with me this weekend, and we are baking cookies and buying Christmas presents. That means no story installment.

Truth is, I haven't figured out where this story is going next anyway. Usually, I have stories figured out before I start in on them. This one, well, I just sort of slipped into it. Having a little time to figure it out will help. I figure I have until Monday.

Monday is a snow storm. Should be a good writing day.


Jennifer Duncan said...

We are preparing for a low-budget performance of Fools on Ice down here; not as conducive to writing. But snow, well that's a different thing altogether.

Am headed out in a moment to join the Fools, so I'll just say that I'm enjoying your story very much, Mathias, and will wait patiently for the next episode.

Joel Gardner said...

I would like to revisit a description of the ampule, if you are taking requests. Maybe there's drugs inside?

Snow here too. Not so good for motorcycles. I think mine will stay in the barn, though I've been jonesing*.

Maybe it's time to transition to that excellent balance maintaining exercise, ice-skating. I look great with a pillow strapped to my butt.

*jones |jōnz| informal noun a fixation on or compulsive desire for someone or something, typically a drug; an addiction : a two-year amphetamine jones. verb [ intrans. ] ( jones on/for) have a fixation on; be addicted to : Palmer was jonesing for some coke again. ORIGIN 1960s: said to come from Jones Alley, in Manhattan, associated with drug addicts.