Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Word is dead. Long live the Word

All promises are innocent.

That is to say they are both sincere and yet naive.

The promise prompting this blog is that it will be daily.

But worse than being a promise, this one is a parallel promise. A parallel promise is one in which we say, "If you do that, I will do this." In this case, the prompting parallel promise is that my friend and I will post daily blogs.

If there ever was a mission that is vacuous, it is this one. A mission to post a blog daily is hardly a mission.

And yet, writers throughout history have made exactly that promise to themselves, along with colleagues, and to others. And for many writers, the process of discovering the intent of your words is through the process of creating them.

And so, hopefully, it will be with us.

Both of us have written passionately by hand, by manual typewriter, and by computer. We have talked about how each medium has had it own effect on the content. With this effort, we are willing to finally acknowledge that the day of the pen-written letter, and the machine-typed letter are dead, yet the word still lives; in a new medium.

That word is most certainly bold and alive, but does it have the depth of the one written by ink or metal on ribbon? This venture will be an exploration of that.

Let us once again ask: What has God wrought?

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